Humans have been drinking filtered water more frequently over the past two decades. These trends often extend to pets since we are more aware of health issues.
Some pet owners advocate giving their dog bottled water or water as an alternative to regular water from the tap.
A friend of mine asked me if distilled water is suitable for dogs. Since I didn’t know the answer, I investigated if dogs could safely drink water.
I examined both sides of this argument. I started with those advocating holistic canine diets and then looked at veterinary professionals. Here’s what I found.
Can dogs consume water? Yes, but allow a small amount a couple of times a week.
There are serious side effects, including low mineral intake or blood levels.
Is Distilled Water Good for Dogs?
In a moment, I’ll be discussing the advocates’ responses to this question. But first, I think the honest and trustworthy quote was from a known veterinarian referenced on

The Doctor Jennifer Hennessey, owner of Animal ER of NW Houston. Her opinion was that water is not suitable for your dogs and potentially causes injury to dogs.
Purified water can lose its essential minerals after the process, which can cause low blood levels; you need to remineralize filtered water.
Reverse Osmosis water can also absorb into tissues more than carbonated water with mineral content, leading to swelling, urinary issues, and over-hydration. explained the signs of water toxicity in detail and included fatigue, neurologic changes, and irregular heartbeats.
The researchers concluded that water is suitable for dogs in moderation, and your pets shouldn’t have water as their only source of drinking water.
Is filtered water good for my dogs?
As the name suggests, filtered water has been passed through a filter to remove contaminants.
Carafe, faucet-mounted, countertop, whole-house, and Reverse Osmosis water softener is the most popular for soft water.
Different filters can remove various contaminants, so it is essential to identify what’s in your water.
Make an online trip to the EWG’s National Drinking Water Database to determine that. Enter your zip code and select your utility to get your water quality report from your area’s water officials.
You can call them for a copy of the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) from your water utility. This annual report has all details of contaminants in your faucet water supply.
Once you understand the situation well, you can search for the best filtration method to meet your needs.
The Best water filter 2021 buying guide will walk you through this process based on your filtration goals and budget.
You’ll soon have a plentiful supply of affordable, pure water.
The bottom line: RO water softener is an excellent way to make filtered tap water more affordable and healthy for your family.
Is tap water safe for dogs and cats?
People are more aware of the risks of drinking chlorinated and fluoridated tap water.
Although there is a growing trend to drink filtered and bottled water, how many people are concerned about the health of their pets?
Many water experts have expressed concern over hard water and its effects on health, including arthritis, digestive issue, heart disease, fertility, and Alzheimer’s disease.
It can be filtered tap water, well water, or groundwater; even some purified water may still contain ‘hard’ minerals.
These human diseases can be translated to pets. Could drinking water quality also be causing health issues or urinary problems in pets?
The United States of America has about a 70% chance that your pets get both hard water and chlorinated faucet water with fluoride daily.
It is commonly safe for your pets the same we drink, including soft water.
What is the harm of distilled water for dogs?
Before knowing this, you must think about how water comes to be.
Distillation involves boiling water to remove all impurities. This process is beneficial in that it removes any contaminants from standard water.
Water could harm dogs. The water has low minerals, which can lead to the loss of essential minerals for dogs.
Dogs need minerals and electrolytes, which many dog foods lack. Instead, they get them from water.
These minerals and electrolytes get removed during the distillation process.
According to Wikipedia:
For health reasons, it has been both encouraged and discouraged to drink water instead of drinking water.
Water contains low ions and minerals such as calcium that are most important for biological functions. These minerals are usually found in mineral water.
Some concerns have been raised about the lack of naturally occurring minerals found in water.
Is it possible to do the same thing with dogs?
It seems safe to assume that dogs can drink water only occasionally and in moderation.
Before you go and pour all that distilled water into your dog’s drink, I want to offer my opinions.
Dogster Magazine is an excellent source of information. In 2017 the following quote was published.
Animal studies have shown that drinking water can cause adverse health effects such as decreased sodium and chloride levels, decreased red blood cell volume, and increased cortisol secretion.
It can also lead to adverse kidney changes, including atrophy of the renal glomeruli.These changes did not occur despite being fed a nutritious diet.
Additionally, water may be a less thirst-quenching option than bottled water. It could cause dogs to drink and urinate excessively.
Diana Laverdure Dunetz made the above statement regarding dogs drinking water. Diana Laverdure-Dunetz is a well-known canine nutritionist and has published many books.
According to other sources, there is not a good effect on those dogs who only drink water that might become potassium deficient.
It could lead to heart problems. Also, it is not proven to be healthier than regular drinking water.
Distilled water is for dogs suffering from kidney disease or bladder stones.
Some people are talking about how water is good for dogs suffering from bladder stones and kidney disease.
However, I cannot find any scientific or medical documentation supporting this. You can talk to your vet to get further information.
I found some information about humans with kidney or bladder stones drinking water. Please have a look.
It might lead you to believe that water is not beneficial for dogs suffering from kidney disease or stones.
Is Distilled water suitable for treating the dog’s eyes?
Some believe that using water is suitable for reducing dog tear staining. According to some people, the non-distilled minerals cause tear stains.
My view is that dogs get the same minerals from their food. I’m not sure how scientifically or truthful this would be.
7 Types of water can make dogs sick

If you use filtered water for your dog, it doesn’t mean that’s his only drinking water source throughout the day.
When the pup sees water in any form, he naturally wants to take a sip.
Mostly, it is harmless, but occasionally, this type of water can lead to many health or urinary problems for your dog.
As we described below…..
1. Stagnant Ponds and Lakes
Lake or Ponds are particularly susceptible to the growth of blue-green algae that can harbor large numbers of viruses, fungi, algae, bacteria, and parasites like Coccidia and Giardia.
Toxicity Symptoms: Blue-green algae-contaminated water can result in diarrhea, vomiting, difficulty walking, and general weakness.
According to Gillespie:- The signs of leptospirosis are malaise, fever, lethargy can be subtle at first, diarrhea, increased thirst, and urination.
Prevention Tips: If your dog shows any of these signs after swimming or drinking contaminated water, contact your veterinarian instantly.
Avoiding these standing bodies of water is the best way to keep your dog safe, especially if you see algae growth.
To prevent your dog from being affected, keep him away from these types of algae-contained water.
2. Toilet Water
Maintain hygiene; toilets are often treated with cleaners, toilet bowl disks, or bleach additives. And these products can seep into the toilet water.
These compounds are often diluted, but it doesn’t indicate that they are reliable.
If your dog drinks toilet water regularly, it can ingest harmful toxins that can wreak havoc on its fragile inner systems.
Toxicity Symptoms: Vomiting and stomach irritation.
Prevention Tips: Always keep the toilet door closed to your pet.
3. Park Puddles
When your dog finds a stagnant puddle of water in dog parks, it is no different for those who like drinking from a water bowl.
According to Jennifer Hennessey, owner of Animal ER of NW Houston, “Water in a stagnant puddle dog park where pets wander or socialize. Your pets have more risk of infection from bacteria and virus exposure”.
That may have contained animal feces, different types of bacteria, viruses, and intestinal parasites.
Infection Symptoms: Your pet may face vomiting, dehydration, diarrhea, urinary tract infection, and/or abdominal pain.
Prevention Tips: Keep your pet hydrated with fresh water and use a travel bowl outside. Keep your pet on leashes when you are in a stagnant and tempting water area.
4. Pool Water
Pool water can be dangerous for your dog if he consumes a large amount of water regularly. It is treated with chlorine or salt additives that can make your pet sick.
Toxicity Symptoms: Your dog can feel extra thirst, Excessive urination, dehydration, and weakness.
Prevention Tips: Always keep a clean water bowl outside as an option for the pool water. Give some praise and reward with a treat when you see drinking from a bowl instead of the pool. Assured the limit of your dog’s access to the pool water.
5. Distilled Water
Drinking a small quantity of water is good and safe for your dog. Still, as a regular water source, nobody doesn’t recommend it.
Hennessey says, “Distilled process makes a low mineral water that can cause to free important electrolytes through the kidneys, starting to low blood pressure.”
Toxicity Symptoms: Your pet can face irregular heartbeat, toxicity, and neurologic changes.
Prevention Tips: Avoid providing water regularly or as a sole drinking source.
6. Home/Yard Puddles
Weber says, “Keep in mind that water can cause dangerous effects on the body even near to home.”
Water that accumulates in the yard or garage may risk fertilizers, cleaners, run-off yard chemicals, pesticides, and antifreeze.
Toxicity Symptoms: There are many symptoms like dehydration, tremors, depression, urinary tract infection, vomiting, diarrhea, semi-comatose state, agitation, and seizures.
Prevention Tips: Keep your pet dog away from puddles that form around the yard or garage.
7. Ocean Water
Ocean water has extreme amounts of sodium (about 100 times more sodium than tap or carbonated water).
When your dog consumes ocean water, the sodium causes several issues, including dehydration and diarrhea.
Toxicity symptoms: Your pet may feel weak, vomiting, or have diarrhea. Hennessey states that over-ingestion can lead to more severe problems, such as high sodium levels and excessive thirst.
Prevention Tips: When you play with your dog on the beach, take regular breaks and offer fresh water and rest.
There are better alternatives.
Tap water is best. It does contain a chlorine and bleach smell and other minerals that you may consider harmful, but it is safe for dogs.
You can choose to give your dog bottled spring water if you don’t have access to water.
Although spring water is still rich in minerals and traces of chlorine, it is not as potent as water.
You can give your dog as much regular water as you need without any adverse effects.
Although bottled spring water can be more expensive, your dog will not suffer from potassium deficiencies or heart disease.
Hydration of water and dogs
Pure water is most important for bodily function.
- It regulates body temperature
- Maintains skin’s elasticity
- Lubricate the joints
- Maintains moisture in the eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Protects organs and nervous system
- Get rid of all waste products and avoid urinary issues
- Hydrolysis aids in the digestion of protein, fat, and carbohydrate
- Transports and dissolves nutrients into the cells
Most vets will tell you that water is good for your dog to drink compared to water.
Tap water is treated, and I think that unless you’re sure your dog is getting all the minerals they need. You should avoid giving them water.
But, as with anything, a small amount of distilled water is good for dogs and not going to harm.
It is safe to allow a pet dog to drink vaporized or Reverse Osmosis water a couple of times a week.
We do not advise you to provide a dog with water daily.
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