It’s been raining a lot lately, and if you’re one of the many homeowners who rely on well water, you may have noticed that your well water is cloudy after rain.
Don’t worry – it’s not a sign of trouble, but simply the result of the extra rainwater, especially in areas with hard water.
In this blog post, we’ll explain why well water often turns cloudy after a rainstorm and provide some tips on clearing it up.
Keep reading for more information!
What causes well water to be cloudy after rain?
It can cause by tiny particles present in your well water.
Although the particles’ exact cause is unknown, it’s believed they may originate from suspended limestone or iron (both common minerals in Texas).
There are various reasons behind well water being cloudy and yellow after rain:
1. Bacteria
Iron bacteria or manganese bacteria can cause brown water.
These types of bacteria thrive in conditions with little oxygen and often look like a slimy black material or algae that form on the excellent casing, walls of the well, surface water, and near aeration (bubbler) devices.
You can try to clear up your dirty water in many ways, but the most effective method is to put in a chlorine-based iron removal system.
This type of house water filter uses resin to trap particles like iron or manganese and prevent them from entering your home’s plumbing system.
It can also maintain chlorine levels in your clean water supply.
2. Mineral Buildup
Some wells have accumulated a sticky mineral residue that may cause cloudy water.
This buildup is typically caused by hard water containing calcium, magnesium, and iron.
You may need to have the well chemically cleaned to fix this problem.
3. Excessive Rain

Excessive rain in your area can also cause well water to become cloudy.
As described above, brown well water often contains particles like iron or manganese that are much more common in hard water areas.
Another lousy effect you may face with cloudy pool water with heavy contaminants.
The best way to fix discolored water caused by excessive rain is to wait a while and let the debris settle on its own.
4. Air Bubbles or Dissolved Gases in Water
If you see air bubbles in your rainwater, this is typically caused by dissolved gases.
When complete water runs through the ground and picks up gases like carbon dioxide, it often ends up with some gas dissolved (like carbonated beverages).
Although these air bubbles are harmless, they create an annoying bubble effect in your rainwater.
This problem occurs mainly when the water level is low or high – which is why you often see this happen immediately after heavy rainfall.
To fix it, wait until your cold water level returns to normal or turn on a faucet in another housing area that is not experiencing this problem.
5. Excess Iron or Manganese Content
It is probably the most likely cause of cloudy water is raining if you have a well.
Excess iron and manganese can be caused by home appliances like a hot water heater or washing machine that leach these minerals into the tap water supply.
Also, older wells that use a metal casing instead of a cement casing can cause this problem.
No matter the reason, if you’re noticing cloudy water, it’s likely that one of these reasons is to blame.
So let’s move on to how you can improve your drinking water quality!
6. Missing Well Cap
It might seem strange, but the missing well cap is one of the most common reasons for well water being cloudy and yellow after rain.
Since a well cap helps keep debris and surface water out of your well, it’s essential that you’re well securely and do not allow any dirt inside.
7. High Water Sediment Level
If your water level is high, this can cause grey, cloudy well water. It usually occurs when the ground around your well absorbs a large amount of rainwater and causes the water level to rise.
To fix this problem, you’ll want to lower the chlorinated water level in your well by pumping or allowing some excess rainwater to drain away naturally.
8. Pump Failure
If your pump is not working, this can also cause grey, cloudy well water.
If the pump malfunctions or fails to work, the water testing in your well will become stagnant, allowing debris to accumulate.
9. Well, Pipe Clogs
A clogged well pipe or low water pressure can cause cloudy water and is one of the most challenging problems.
It may also result in cloudy pool water in your house.
You can often fix this problem by having a plumber on your excellent pipe to unclog it and get perfect tap water pressure.
How to Diagnose and fix cloudy well water?
Cloudy water after heavy rain can be frustrating, but it’s not usually a cause for concern.
Discolored water is usually due to something simple like mineral buildup or soil compaction in your well pipe.
Now it is time to take some steps:
Step 1. Inspect the Wellhead:
Inspect the wellhead and ensure it wasn’t damaged by debris or a recent storm.
If you see any cracks in the casing or other signs of tear, make a note of this and contact a water treatment professional.
Step 2. Time for a Water Test:
If your well is still experiencing cloudy water, the next step is to perform a flood water test.
It will tell you about serious water problems and indicate how best to treat the gallons of water.
If you have a well water supply that is yellow after a rainstorm, try these solutions before calling in a plumber or other RO specialist:
That will allow you to know what kind of bacterial contamination are present in your well and help you plan to fix the problem.
Step 3. Clean the sediment from the well:
The wellhead isn’t correctly sealed if the volume of water is cloudy.
The first step to fixing this problem is removing sediment around the wellhead so there’s less debris for new sediment to settle.
Use a wet vacuum or garden hose to flush away as much old sediment as possible.
Step 4. Replace a missing well cap or ensure your well casing is intact and in good condition.
The best way to deal with brown water is to determine what is causing it and address the specific cause.
Once you get rid of all of these potential water problems by following our simple solutions, your brown well water should be clear again in no time!
Is Cloudy Water Safe to Drink
Cloudy water is usually not dangerous for your health but may contain sediments.
If you have a well-drinking water table that has become cloudy after rain, get in touch with a reputable company that can test the water quality and tells you precisely what needs to be done to fix the problem.
You can use a whole house water softener as the primary water filter to give filtered clean water to your entire house, and it is also working as a swimming pool filter.
Water Cloudy after rain is usually nothing to worry about, but you should perform some tests or ask a professional to check it for contaminants.
By following these easy solutions and fixing simple problems, your cloudy well water will be safe to drink again in no time! I hope that this article has helped you.
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