Have you ever noticed that your bottled water tastes a little bit sweet? It turns out that there’s a reason for that, and it’s not just because of the added sugar or artificial sweeteners.
This phenomenon is so common that it has its name – bottle tasing.
In this post, we’ll look at why bottled water sometimes has a sweet taste and what that means for your health.
We’ll also discuss some of the best ways to drink water and get the most benefit from it. Stay hydrated!
9 causes why does my bottled water taste sweet?
If you’re wondering, “why does my water have a sweet taste?” there could be one of the following reasons:
- Mineral content in the water
- Where You Live
- Plumbing
- Alkaline or high pH water
- Your sense of smell
- Dehydration
- Lifestyle changes and bodily signs
- Diabetes
1. Mineral content in the water
Water that naturally contains mineral content will give your water a sweet taste. An example of this is in the case of Michigan’s Evart, Big Spring water.
The Evart, Michigan water comes from an underground aquifer that is deep enough to avoid most pollution but is still high enough to hit the relatively fresh ground with minerals still intact.
Because of that, it can change regular water or even bottled water brands like Poland Spring, Smart Water, Pure Life, and Aquafina’s taste into sweet.
2. Where You Live
One reason is that different regions produce their tap water differently, which can affect how it tastes.
It could also be as simple as where you live and how your specific location affects your local drinking water.
According to Ecopure an overwhelming 85 percent of the USA has hard water problems, so the likelihood of your state or city with hard water is high.
For example, suppose you live in Florida and drink water from the ground. In that case, it may taste sweet because it’s naturally full of minerals, like natural spring water.
These minerals can affect our skin, so use the Aquasana shower filter for bathing to avoid the issue.
The following hard water map shows hardness zones across the USA.

3. Plumbing
If your area has older, copper-based plumbing inside the home, there’s a chance that this could also affect the taste of your water.
In most cases, it’s not enough to be noticeable or cause problems, but some people might find the sweet taste annoying.
4. Alkaline or high pH water
Suppose you are getting a sweet taste from alkaline or even distilled water. That’s because pH measures how acidic or basic something is.
Tap water in most areas, including the United States, has a normal pH of around 7 (slightly acidic).
If your SmartWater is alkaline, it will have a higher pH than 7 (basic). The higher the pH level of water is, the sweeter it tastes.
Because of that, many people choose alkaline water to improve the natural flavors of their drinking water.
5. Your sense of smell
There’s a chance that the sweet taste in your water is just in your head.
Some people say they can taste when their drinking water has been treated with fluoride, and others disagree.
The truth is that your sense of smell and how you perceive flavor can play a huge role in what you think something tastes like.
Remember, you don’t have to drink bottled water just because it tastes sweet.
6. Dehydration
If you are experiencing severe dehydration, you may have affected your taste buds so much that everything tastes sweet.
If you’re not sure whether or not you’re dehydrated, it’s best to consult with your doctor.
Your doctor can also help you determine how much mineral water you should drink and recommend the best way to get hydration.
7. Lifestyle changes and bodily signs
Some indicators indicate that you could be dehydrated, even if you don’t feel thirsty.
If your lips and mouth are dry, your urine appears dark yellow or amber, or you have headaches after drinking lots of alkaline water. These are all signs that you may be dehydrated.
And since the only way to get hydration is with pure SmartWater, it’s essential to recognize these symptoms and address them as soon as possible.
8. Diabetes

People with diabetes may notice a “sweet” taste in their regular water because they cannot properly process sugar.
It can also cause other changes in how your tap water taste, such as a slightly bitter or metallic flavor.
If you think that your diabetes is affecting your sense of taste, or if you notice a change in your drinking water natural flavors, talk to your doctor.
Many factors may affect how water tastes, but most won’t cause any problems with how water tastes.
9. Infection
Infections that affect a person’s sense of taste connect to the sinuses, lungs, or stomach.
It can also cause various flu-like symptoms, such as headaches, coughing, and congestion.
The only way to know if you have an infection is to consult your doctor.
Should I Be Concerned With Sweet Water Taste?
If you drink bottled water with a sweet taste, there is no reason to be concerned.
Sweet tastes are unusual in tap water; the most significant issue to consider is your health.
You should consider whether diabetes might cause if your water starts to taste sweet.
Diabetes or any other medical condition might impact your blood sugar levels. The sweet taste in your bottled water could potentially be a sign of ketoacidosis.
If this is the case, it would be advisable to get checked out by a doctor as soon as possible.
How to Improve the Quality of Your Drinking Water?
1. Water softener

A water softener effectively removes lead contaminants, zink, chlorine odor issues, dissolved solids metallic taste, and gives pure water supply.
Sometimes, running the hard water through a softener takes all it takes before cooking or drinking.
A water softener can also help remove excess minerals affecting your water‘s pH balance.
The more you know about the water quality in your home, the easier it will be to make adjustments and hopefully enjoy better-tasting purified water.
2. Water Pitcher
We have various bottled water brands like Poland Spring, Pure Life, Aquafina, and Smart Water. But, If you want an affordable option, a pitcher is best.
These pitchers usually include a water filter that can remove impurities and let you enjoy fresh, filtered drinking water on demand.
There are many options with different capacities with different models.
3. Faucet water filter
We have various faucet-mounted models available, and these can be a great addition to almost any kitchen.
You don’t have to use a whole-home filtration system if you don’t want to, but having access to filtered water from the tap is the easiest option.
The devices also tend to be the most affordable.
These are just a few of the many options available when it comes to getting rid of that “sweet” taste of your tap water.
4. Reverse Osmosis
It is a great way to remove chlorine odor, fluoride, metallic taste, lead contaminant, and dissolved solids from your drinking water.
The more you know about the water quality in your home, the easier it will be to make adjustments and hopefully enjoy better-tasting mineral water.
Alternatively, countertop models are available if you can’t afford a whole-home reverse osmosis system.
It can treat hard water excellently and provide great water taste and quality, the same as distilled water, at an affordable price.
There are many options for hard water, and each has its pros and cons, so it’s best to research before purchasing.
5. pH Neutralization

There are other ways to improve the quality of your drinking water, but these methods require an investment.
You can use a water filtration that uses an ion-exchange resin to lower the pH of your purified water.
There are many options with different capacities with different models. You can also purchase a pH-neutralizing system that uses potassium to reduce acidity.
These are just a few of the many options available when it comes to getting rid of that “sweet” taste of your tap water.
How to Tell What Is Causing Sweet Water Taste?
There are a few things that you can do to determine the cause of your water’s sweet taste.
Testing will help to rule out issues with pH or hardness. In contrast, at-home testing may be sufficient for detecting specific minerals.
If you believe this sweet taste is coming from your plumbing, calling in a professional may be necessary; however, if it’s an older home or plumbing system, typically speaking, just some maintenance should take care of the issue.
There may be other contributing factors, such as high dissolved solids or excess carbon dioxide.
If you notice these things increasing in your water, it may be worth investigating to determine the cause.
This video will help to know the ph level of your water:
FAQs: Why does my bottled water taste sweet?
The reason is that ethanol (alcohol) affects your taste buds, which are located in your mouth.
The receptors for sweetness and bitterness are found in the same tongue cells.
Drinking alcohol stimulates the taste buds receptor to produce more of the neurotransmitter serotonin, making you feel happy.
This is what causes the “sweet” sensation while drinking water.
Some people experience a sweet taste in their water when they drink it at night.
You produce less saliva at night, so your mouth isn’t as clean when you wake up.
The lack of saliva means more sugar in your mouth, which leads to that sweet water taste.
A pregnant woman’s sense of smell and taste bud is heightened more often than usual.
The reverse Osmosis filtered water can have a sweet taste, but this varies from person to person. During pregnancy, the taste of water may seem more pronounced than at other times.
Exercise stimulates your salivary glands, so a lack of saliva means more sugar in your mouth, leading to that sweeter taste.
It is often combined with a dry mouth because of dehydration. It may occur after long periods of exercise, such as a gym workout or running for a long time.
When you’re sick, your immune system releases histamines, which are naturally sweet.
A lack of saliva also causes a sweet taste because there’s sugar in your mouth.
It is often combined with a dry mouth because of dehydration and can occur when you’re sick with any illness.
There are several reasons why your water might taste sweet during Covid. During covid, our body becomes dehydrated, which can cause a sweet taste in your mouth.
It often combines with a dry mouth because of dehydration and when you’re sick with any illness.
The lack of saliva means more sugar in your mouth, which leads to that sweet water taste.
As you can see, there are many reasons “why does my bottled water taste sweet.”
You can use an ion-exchange water filter to lower the pH of your water supply, which could be from the city, well, or natural spring water.
There are many options with different capacities in different models. You can also purchase a pH-neutralizing system that uses potassium to reduce acidity.
These are just a few options for getting rid of bottled water’s “sweet” taste.