How to Clean a Brita Water dispenser? (Tips Guide)

The Brita Water Dispenser is a popular choice for many people looking for easy and convenient getting filtered water.

Like most people, you rely on your Brita filter dispenser to clean, refreshing drinking water.

However, the filter can become dirty and need to be cleaned over time.

But if you don’t properly clean it regularly, that same dispenser can become a breeding ground for bacteria and mold.

This post will show you how to clean your Brita pitcher filter using simple household supplies. Read on to learn more.

What To Use To Clean A Brita Water Dispenser?

There are various cleaning solutions that you can use to clean a Brita standard filter, depending on the specific materials and components used in your particular unit.

Popular options include diluted vinegar, bleach, or baking soda mixed with bottled water.

To begin the cleaning process of your Brita pitcher dispenser, you should first remove any removable parts, such as the water reservoir or pitcher. 

Next, soak these parts in your chosen cleaning solution for a few minutes to loosen any potential water contaminants and debris built up.

Once the parts are soaked, you can use a soft cloth or sponge to scrub them gently, removing any remaining residue.

Before replacing the parts with your water filtration, rinse thoroughly with cold tap water before replacing the parts.

Suppose you notice any discoloration or cloudiness in the drinking water from your Brita standard filter unit.

You may need to repeat this process more than once to fully restore it to optimal performance.

However, water filtration can help you enjoy clean, great-tasting water for many years with regular cleaning and maintenance.

Tips to Clean Brita Water Dispenser

  1. Check the instruction manual that came with your bottled water dispenser. Some models may have different cleaning requirements.
  2. Gather all the necessary materials for cleaning your water dispenser. It may include mild dish soap, a soft cloth or dish towel, and distilled white vinegar.
  1. Make sure to unplug your water dispenser before you start properly cleaning it.

How Can You Clean a Brita Water Filter dispenser (Step-by-Step Guide)

Step 1 – Disassemble

Start by disassembling your clean Brita pitcher and dispenser.

Locate the unit’s base, and twist it counter-clockwise to remove it.

Next, locate the top half of the unit (including the spout) and clockwise to remove it.

Once both valves are removed, find the filter cartridge inside the unit’s base and gently pull it out.

Step 2 – Prepare your cleaning solution.

To clean your Brita pitcher filter, you need a mild detergent solution.

You can either use warm water with a mild soap or a 1:1 ratio of white vinegar and water.

Step 3 – Scratching the Mildew

Suppose you see any organic compound, mildew, or green mold on your clean Brita pitcher. You need to use a soft-bristled brush (to avoid scratching the plastic) to scrub the affected areas lightly.

Step 4 – Wash the Lid

Start by washing the lid of your Brita filter in warm, soapy water.

Use a soft-bristled brush to scrub away any dirt or grime on the surface.

Rinse the lid well with clean water, and set it aside to air dry.

Step 5 – Clean the base of the unit.

Once you have your cleaning solution prepared, start by cleaning the unit’s base.

Use a damp cloth to wipe down the inside of the base, being sure to remove any dirt or debris.

If there is any buildup on the threads of the base, use a toothbrush or other small brush to remove it.

Step 6 – Clean the top of the unit

Next, move on to cleaning the top of the unit.

Use a damp cloth or paper towel to wipe down the inside of the top half of the unit, including the spout.

After removing any dirt or debris from the inside and outside of the unit, use a soft cloth or sponge to wipe down all surfaces, removing any stuck-on residue accumulated over time.

Step 7 – Rinse and Dry

Once you have cleaned all of your Brita filter parts, it is time to rinse everything off.

Start by rinsing the base and top of the unit with clean, filtered water.

Next, remove the filter cartridge from the unit’s base, and rinse it thoroughly under running water.

Once you have rinsed all of the parts, set them aside to dry completely.

When your Brita water filter dispenser is clean and dry, you can reassemble it and begin using it again.

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper old filter cartridge replacement.

Your Brita product will provide you with many years of clean, filtered drinking water with proper care and maintenance.

Step 8 – Reassemble your clean Brita water filter dispenser

Once you have cleaned your Brita filter pitcher, reassemble it by following the steps in reverse.

Be sure to reattach the filter cartridge securely before replacing the top half of the unit.

Then, tighten both unit halves together, ensuring they are firmly in place.

Suppose you follow these steps regularly and keep your Brita stream filter. In that case, you can enjoy clean, refreshing drinking water for years to come.

Some Valuable Tips For A Deeper Cleaning Process

  1. Start by removing the filter from your dispenser and soaking it in hot, soapy water for at least 30 minutes. It will help loosen any stuck-on particles or grime from the filter surface, making it easier to clean. 
  1. Using a soft sponge or soft cloth, wipe down the inside and outside of your dispenser. Pay special attention to any nooks and crannies where dirt or grime may have built up.
  1. Once the filter has finished soaking, rinse it thoroughly under a running water source. Be sure to remove any soap residue from the filter before putting it back into the dispenser.
  1. Finally, fill your dispenser with fresh cold water and wash down the inside of your dispenser for a deep-cleaning finish.
  2. If you notice any discoloration or buildup on the outside of your dispenser, try using a gentle cleaning solution made specifically for glass or plastic surfaces.

Just be sure to rinse thoroughly afterward and allow your dispenser to dry completely before using it again.

Cleaning a Brita product can be a challenge, as these filters often collect grime and other impurities over time.

However, with the right tools and some careful attention, you can keep your cold water filter dispenser in pristine condition for many years to come.

Do Brita Filters Work Effectively, And What Do They Filter?

A Brita water pitcher and dispenser are popular choices for many people looking for an easy and convenient way to get a clean, refreshing drinking water bottle.

These filters are generally considered very effective at removing contaminants in drinking water, including chlorine, heavy metals, sediment, pesticides, etc.

One of the main reasons Brita filters are such a popular choice is that they are straightforward.

Please fill up the alkaline water filter pitcher with water, and the filter will do its job.

We can then use the filtered water for drinking, cooking, or other purposes.

Brita filters are also relatively inexpensive, and they last for an extended period.

Each pitcher filter can typically last for up to 4 months before filter replacement.

There are a few things to keep in mind when using Brita filters. First, it is essential to change the filter regularly.

Second, you should clean the pitcher regularly.

Third, if you notice that the water is not as clean as possible, you may need to replace your old filter more frequently.

Overall, if you are looking for an easy and convenient way to get clean drinking water in your home, a Brita water filter pitcher is great.

Whether you’re using it for yourself or the entire family, it can help ensure that everyone has access to fresh, clean water every day.


How long does Brita filter last?

The standard filter can produce  40 gallons of water, about 2 months for the average household.

Of course, this depends on how often you use your dispenser and your water quality.

If you have hard water, your filter may not last as long.

It’s essential to keep it clean to extend the life of your Brita filter by 40 gallons.

It means regularly emptying and rinsing out the dispenser and changing or cleaning the filter when it gets clogged or discolored.

If you notice a decrease in water flow from your dispenser, this may indicate that your filter needs replacement.

To check if your filter needs to be replaced, you can use the Brita Filter Indicator.

How to Recycle Brita Filters?

One of the biggest challenges facing modern consumers is how to reduce their impact on the environment and help conserve natural resources.

While there are many different ways that we can all do our part, one crucial solution is learning how to recycle Brita filters.

These filters go through a lot of use over time, so recycling them helps prevent unnecessary waste.

Here are some tips on how to recycle your used Brita filters:

  1. Check with your local recycling center to see if they accept Brita’s filter. Some centers have special programs for recycling these types of products.
  1. If your local recycling center does not accept Brita filters, you can mail them back to the company for recycling. Most Brita filter manufacturers have mail-back programs to ship filters back.
  1. Look for local retailers and organizations that accept used Brita filters as donations or resell items. Many animal shelters, thrift stores, and other organizations rely on donated items to help fund their programs.
  1. Use your used Brita filters in your garden to help improve the quality of your soil. Filters can be buried in the ground or placed in compost piles to break down and release beneficial minerals into the soil.
  1. If you have a septic system, you can use Brita filters to help keep it running smoothly. Place the used filters in a bucket of hot water, tie them up with string, and toss them into your septic system to help remove excess waste buildup.

Overall, there are many ways that you can recycle or repurpose your used Brita filters to help reduce waste and conserve resources.

Whether you choose one of the methods above or develop your creative solution, recycling Brita filters is a great way to do your part for the environment.

How to prevent mold and mildew in the Brita dispenser?

If you notice mold or mildew growing in your Brita water pitcher and dispenser, it’s essential to clean it right away.

Mold and mildew can cause serious health problems, so it’s best to take care of the problem as soon as possible.

A few simple steps prevent organic compounds, mold, and mildew from growing in your Brita dispenser.

First, clean the dispenser regularly with warm, soapy water.

Rinse it well and dry it thoroughly after each cleaning.

Second, keep the dispenser covered when not in use.

It will help prevent dirt and carbon dust from getting into the unit and promote mold growth.

Finally, avoid exposing your dispenser to direct sunlight or high humidity.

Exposure to these conditions can promote the growth of mold and mildew in the new filter housing.

These simple steps can help keep your Brita dispenser clean and free from harmful mold and mildew.

When does your Brita dispenser need to replace a Filter?

When it comes to keeping your Brita water filter dispenser clean and functioning correctly, one of the most important things to consider is replacing the filter.

A few key signs can indicate that your filter needs to be replaced, such as low water pressure, poor filtration, or smells or water taste changes.

If you notice any of these signs, it is likely time to replace your filter.

In general, most Brita pitchers need replacement filters every 3-6 months, depending on how frequently you use the dispenser and the hardness of your water.

Since different filters have different capacities, it is essential to consult your Brita’s user manual to determine the appropriate replacement schedule for your specific model.

Do the Brita water filter dispenser clean bacteria?

The Brita water filter dispenser is a popular choice among many people looking for clean and convenient drinking water.

But it is not effective in removing bacteria from your water.

Many studies have shown that these filters effectively remove harmful impurities, such as chlorine, from your water.

One of the benefits of using a Brita water filter dispenser is providing cold, great-tasting water.

If you have ever noticed that your tap water has a strange taste or odor, it is likely due to harmful contaminants.


Suppose you are looking for an easy and convenient way to get filtered water. In that case, a Brita water filter dispenser may be the right choice.

To keep clean your Brita water dispenser free from mold and mildew, you should clean it from time to time with warm soapy water and dry it thoroughly.

You should also replace the filter every 3-6 months, depending on your use and water hardness.

Following these simple tips can help you enjoy clean, refreshing drinking water for years to come.

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